March is "National Nutrition Month" and so the nursing students at WOSC and Johnson & Johnson will be hosting a "Heart Healthy Screening Fair". Here are the details that were sent to me.
Community Health Fair
Sponsored by WOSC nursing students and Johnson & Johnson
Friday March 6, 2009
Altus Community Center
Events will include: Free Blood pressure checks, Cholesterol checks, Blood sugar/Diabetes Checks
Nutrional booths including: Exercise sponsored by Ellen Newman, Pilates/Yoga Instuctor Whitaker's Gymnastics ,Water Intake (the importance of adequate amounts), a Smoking Cessation booth, BMI/Body fat calulation booth (will include free height/weight and at risk assessment. )
This event is a great way to learn about health promotion and be screened for common health disorders. This event is open to all community members and it would be great to see as many military spouses as possible (of course children are welcome).
Healthy snacks and drinks will be served.
Free giveways will also take place.
Thank you Mindie for the information!!