Tuesday, February 24, 2009

March Playgroup Schedule

Here is the March Base Playgroup Schedule... All are welcome to come (Student spouses, come on out and join us!!)

Friday, March 6th- Reservoir Park (Hoyt Shadid Park) 10:00-12:00.
Bring a picnic lunch and some balls, kites, bread for feeding the ducks, etc. There are three little playgrounds at this park and lots of room to run. There are also lots of tables if kids wanted to bring Plato or other messy activities. This park is located on the side of reservoir opposite of Falcon Road (behind Hastings and Altus Christian Academy) Directions: Take Falcon Road out main gate toward town. Turn Right on N. Jackson Street and then left at the stop sign. Follow road short distance and park is on the left. If weather is too cold or wet, we will meet at McDonald’s Playland (let’s hope for good weather!! :)

Friday, March 13th - Altus Gymnastics Academy, 9:00-10:30. AGA is located on Thomas Avenue. Leaving the base through the main gate, follow Falcon Road to Thomas Avenue. It is a left immediately before “Tiny Tots” (a small second hand children’s store). AGA is an unmarked metal building on the right about two blocks after turning on Thomas. Cost is $3/one child and $5/more than one child.

Friday, March 20th- Base Gym, 10:00-12:00.
We will meet in the front gym at the Base Fitness Center. Lots of room for the kids to run around, throw balls, etc. Some toys are provided but you are welcome to bring a couple of your own.

Friday, March 27th - Altus Gymnastics Academy, 9:00-10:30. See info above on March 13th.

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