Thursday, July 23, 2009

One Stop Enrollment

Please help us get the word out about Altus Schools’ One Stop Enrollment. This year’s event is set for Friday, July 31st, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Altus High School Cafeteria.

One Stop Enrollment is the day when all students new to Altus come and enroll for school. The Jackson County Health Department will provide a free immunization clinic for all Altus children (returning or new students) at One Stop, and the Altus Kiwanis Club will provide breakfast pastries and a hot dog lunch for all attendees. Clowns and other fun are planned, as well.

I have attached a flyer, a news article, and a news brief to this e-mail. Please post our flyer and use any or all of the information in your newsletters, announcements, and calendars. A web link for more information is here:

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